Design & Code

In Ash/Muturii we believe in bringing out our customers ideas with the preference to the level best from the drawing board to the release of a product. Our vision being to produce nothing that is not meeting the world standards for we stretch our branches from our cradle Africa to other parts of the world. our mission is to be relevant in technology and across all industries irregardless of the obsolete

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Peter Muturi


Am an alumni of Havard graduated in 2017 in computer science with first class honors and added short courses certificates : CISCO, ETHICAL HACKING .I recently joined moringa to perfect my skillls and get to creae a network of awesome developers


  • Swimming
  • Reading
  • Social meetups
  • Coding


I am a web developer focusing on javascript, python and python and below are projects i have done.

  1. Catering


In experience the woking was awesome and reliable in terms of time and content. it was a wonderfull experienc working with the muturi company and we have extablished good relation both in culture and vision truly i would recommed this to any company and individual

With the rise in tech and start up companies its hard to get a company that fully brings the idea in mind to realization, and wow The muturi devs and company together brought a not fully developed idea into somethinng tangible. Working with them was a good and wonderful experience!

Me being a designer i wanted a portfolio that would speak for who i am and what i do and yeah the product ii got after fully pledging my ideas was satisfactory beyond my expectation. This is a company i can recommend to any compay and individual, kudos muturi